From the abundance of the HEART the MOUTH speaks... Luke 6:45

Welcome to "Heart Posture for Prophecy," a transformative 6-session course that will recalibrate your approach to prophetic ministry. In a world filled with countless resources on prophecy, this course stands out by delving into the most crucial aspect: the condition of your heart.

Drawing from my own personal learning journey and encounters with the Lord, I've been prompted by Holy Spirit to develop a resource that captures the essential lessons I've learned for operating in prophetic ministry. This course goes beyond the basics and explores the heart posture necessary for confident, accurate, and humble prophetic ministry.

Throughout this course, you will embark upon a profound exploration of the heart posture of a prophetic minister. By identifying and removing barriers that hinder the flow of revelatory gifts, you will gain the tools and insights to operate in the fullness of your prophetic calling!


• 6 on-demand pre-recorded teaching sessions

• 6 homework application and activation exercises

• Discussion forum for ongoing engagement with other students and instructors

• An invitation to a LIVE prophetic ministry session with Anthony


Break free from the heaviness that can hinder your prophetic voice. Discover how to prophesy with a pure sound, unburdened by distractions or negative emotions.


Enhance your ability to discern the voice of God clearly. Discover practical techniques for recognizing His voice amidst the noise of life and understanding how to respond to His promptings.


Learn how to partner wisdom with revelation. Understand the importance of stewarding prophetic words with discernment and responsibility.


Gain insight into the art of asking the right questions. Learn how to seek confirmation and validation of prophetic words in a manner that aligns with God's truth.


Embrace the value of waiting on the Lord. Discover how patience and stillness can produce timely and powerful prophetic words that carry the heartbeat of God.


Apply the unconditional love of Christ as your guiding compass in all prophetic endeavors. Learn to navigate the prophetic landscape with grace, compassion, and genuine care for others.

Course Curriculum


Welcome (2:75)

Session One

Clean Trumpets (22:48)

Session Two

Wisdom and Revelation (22:11)

Session Three

Discerning God's Voice (32:49)

Session Four

Questions and Confirmations (23:08)

Session Five

Waiting on God's Timing (26:20)

Session Six

Moved by Compassion (28:09)


What a joy and an honor to know and walk with Anthony and Melissa Medina of HopeFires International. They are a dynamic duo in Christ Jesus filled with tenacious zeal and prophetic revelation for the days in which we live. They are called to equip the church to have Kingdom impact into every sphere of culture and life thru prayer, the prophetic and revival breakthrough. I highly recommend the life and ministry of Anthony and Melissa Medina.

-James W. Goll

It is a true joy and pleasure to endorse Anthony and Melissa Medina. Having known and related to them closely for several years, I can confidently affirm their godly character and integrity. Also, their gifts - writing, speaking, teaching and more - are strong and highly refined. Most of all, however, they possess a great and infectious passion for Jesus! I could not recommend them more highly.

-Dutch Sheets

Anthony and Melissa Medina are truly friends of God. The way they carry His heart, His voice and His Word with such purity, integrity and humility is beautiful. They live close to His heart and listen to His heartbeat. They are lovers of the Word of God and lovers of truth. This ministry is one God is raising up in this hour to herald His voice, His heart and His prophetic voice to the nations.

-Lana Vawser

Melissa and Anthony Medina are pure and walk in integrity. What you see is what you get with them! Their ministry carries the fire and power of God that is refined through a laid down life for Jesus.

-Ana Werner

Anthony and Melissa Medina provide outstanding leadership to our church, leadership school, community, and the Body of Christ at large. As their pastors, Becky and I find their loyalty, intercession, strength, and wisdom providing deep encouragement and valuable partnership in ministry. These guys are outstanding spiritual entrepreneurs, experienced and innovative. Watching their struggles and victories authenticates their genuine faith and worship. Their courageous willingness to pursue mission will not go unnoticed or unrewarded.

-Jim & Becky Hennesy

I highly recommend Anthony and Melissa Medina with Hope Fires International...

Authenticity is one of the greatest missing links in the Body of Christ today. Much of the church is competitive and clamoring for the attention of others. Few are like the Medina’s. Anthony and Melissa are authentic, pure, and purposeful in everything they do. Whether it is in their preaching, praying, and/or prophesying, they are equipped to help advance the Kingdom of God. We love that family is a top priority for them and it is evident in each aspect of their lives. Our family is grateful to call them friends, and we are encouraged daily through their ministry. Whether it is prayer, prophesy, or whatever you need for your region, Anthony and Melissa will be a Kingdom Key that will unlock God’s Glory for the land.

-Ryan Johnson

I am honored and blessed to recommend Anthony Medina to any and all. He has become a close friend and mentor. He has walked with me through some trying and confusing times personally and corporately with us at Renovation Church. Knowing he is there in my personal circle bring comfort and knowing he's there for us as a church brings stability and confidence.

We have had Anthony speak at a conference and to the staff at Renovation and was inspired and had our hearts kindled with fires of revival that burns still today.

Anthony is a man of integrity and spiritual maturity that is rare these days. His heart for the Lord and people are pure and powerful. Anthony is one of those guys that when he speaks you really want to listen and take note.

The wisdom and gifting that he brings to the table along with the spiritual authority and compassion is priceless and one that myself and Renovation Church have greatly benefited from and consider priceless!

-Pastor Mike Barone

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The Heart Posture for Prophecy


HopeFires International

PO Box 1151 Cedar Hill, TX 75106



HopeFires International

PO Box 1151 Cedar Hill, TX 75106


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